"Modders": __calcium Games Repainted kawaiikaorichan Lady Lunanova MainMemory Twitter sucks because of: Bobposting Clara Sorrenti/Keffals DAclassicgamer/DAepikartman Erin Reed Gamechamp3000 (more like Game Chimp lol) KairiHawk Katherine Gibes/TransSalamander Lady Lunanova Liz Fong-Jones PearlTrans RosieRoberta Saberspark ThatOneCalledRPG UltimateDSEris (Creeps, creeps everywhere) YouTube (more like ThemTube at this point): The Act Man Alpharad Awesomemay (more like awfulmay, am I right?) BaptismOnFire beat fox15 boogie2988 Bringle CandyEvie/Luvie CaptainKidd Castoon CDawgVA chaomix cjya+cjya VODS The Completionist(ic Thief lol) ContraPoints Cybershell+Cybershell & Knuckles dabhdude Dovendraw/Extra Daft Doobus Goobus DramaAlert Dumbsville EazySpeezy+EasiestSpeezy Eddy Burback (more like Eddy Burntback lol) Exploshi Filter Fir Gamechamp3000 (just watch Game Center CX instead) GiIvaSunner/SiIvaGunner h3h3 Productions iiluminaughtii Johnny 2 Cellos Jrose11 Just Stop/Just Go Kappy Lady "I don't have that money" Decade Lily & Mikaila [Orchard] Linkus7 Linus Tech Tips/Techquickie/ShortCircuit/TechLinked (How many channels do these numbskulls need?!) LioConvoy Ludwig LS Mark/Midnight Mark/Splash Dash/Meeting Halfway (Gen Z's Lily Orchard) Magic The Noah Memeulous Misty Chronexia Nux Taku O3 OneyPlays(WithMyEyes)/OneySays pChal penguinz0/HugeCharles (A Dose of Buckley is, has been, and will always be better) Plainrock124 PointCrow+PointCrow VODs QuantumTV Quinton Reviews Ray Rants RebelTaxi RTGame Shyguymask SmallAnt+SmallAnt VODs SomeOrdinaryGamers/SomeOrdinaryPodcast (shows how much of a hypocrite Mutahar is) SonnyTM Sr Pelo+Pelo Streams SSniperWolf Stryder7x Super Bunnyhop TerminalMontage Top Hat Gaming Man (more like Top Hat Begging Man, according to retrowatcher) Trash Taste (The Anime Man[child] is a creep, apparently) UltimateDSfan/UltimateHellscape/8BitComms Vaush Veridis Joe Vinesauce and its subchannels YMS/AnUnkindness/Sardonicast a few others I'm sure I've missed Misc: CWC Encyclopedia Dramatica Froge lolcow.farm Luke Smith NedWolfkin Nicholas Perry/Niko[cunt]o Avocado[pe] Rebeccah Kruleski/Rebeccah Starlight/StarGiantess/StarGiantPro/Star Giant Productions Sophie Labelle Vinson Ngo/Bleedman Zone Archive/Zone Toons In conclusion: nearly everyone is terrible!